Setting Terminal Management TMX to Email Tickets Automatically

Terminal Management TMX can send tickets via email after they are created. This ensures a copy of the ticket is received by a customer or employee as soon as the order has been dispensed.

Applies to:

  • Terminal Management TMX


Once email is configured on the server there are two basic steps to have Terminal Management TMX email tickets automatically: enable the feature, and add the email addresses.

Enabling Ticket Emailing

Click “General Settings” on the blue navigation bar to access the “Ticket” page. Under the “Send tickets to:” section, the checkboxes enable or disable the sending of tickets automatically to the individual types.

Ticket emailing is commonly enabled for customers and the facility or owner. Enabling for customers allows for the tickets to be received based on the customer tied to an order, while enabling for facility or owner is commonly used for billing purposes.

Set the “Send ticket to:” checkboxes as desired and click the "Save" button to apply the changes.

Adding Email Addresses

Once sending tickets is enabled, email addresses must be assigned for where to send the ticket. Each selected recipient type can have one or more email addresses added to it. Below is an example of the Customers page with an email configured.


Note: Multiple email addresses may be set up in the email field by separating them with a comma.


Still Need Help?

Submit an online web ticket or call us at Kahler Automation 507-235-6648 Option 2.