Configuring Email Settings in Terminal Management TMX

To email reports and notifications from Terminal Management, email services settings must first be configured. These settings administer the behavior of Terminal Management email delivery. This article will walk you through the setup.

E-mail account services are configured in the General Settings menu, E-mail tab. Once services have been configured, Terminal Management TMX can then be further configured to send e-mail notifications and reports to administrators, users, owners, customers, etc. The intended audience of this article is an IT professional that has knowledge of your facility's e-mail services.

Environment/Applies to    

  • Terminal Management TMX


In Terminal Management, navigate to the General Settings menu, then select the E-mail tab. email-1

  • Server e-mail address: The return address that the server uses when sending ticket/report e-mails. 
  • Outgoing mail server: The address of the outgoing (SMTP) mail server (e.g., 
  • E-mail username: Username used to send e-mail through the outgoing (SMTP) mail server. 
  • E-mail password: Password used to send e-mail through the outgoing (SMTP) mail server. 
  • Outgoing mail server port: The TCP/IP port used to communicate with the outgoing (SMTP) mail server. Typically, this is 25 for unsecured connections and 587 for secured (SSL) connections. 
  • Use SSL/TLS: When enabled, the server will attempt to use encryption to secure the communication with the outgoing (SMTP) mail server. 
  • Mark e-mails with no recipient as sent: When enabled, will mark any e-mails as being sent if there are no recipients assigned to the e-mail. 
  • Days to keep e-mail records: The number of days to keep sent e-mails in the database. 
  • Save: saves the settings entered. 

After all setting are configured, in the Test e-mail address field, enter a test e-mail address, push the Test e-mail settings button.  If the test e-mail is received successfully, your Terminal Management TMX is ready to send e-mail.  

If you see an error message, recheck the entries in the above fields. 

Still Need Help?

Submit an online web ticket or call us at Kahler Automation 507-235-6648 Option 2.