Accessing past orders in Terminal Management TMX may be required for reprinting tickets or review.
Applies to:
- Terminal Management TMX
Once an order is marked complete, either manually or automatically, Terminal Management TMX will move the order into “Past Orders.” “Past Orders” is found in under the Orders section on the blue navigation bar (shown below).
Once on the “Past Orders” screen, there are three options for finding a past order:
- Select the dropdown at the top of the page. This dropdown lists all past orders, and selecting any item will open a summary of the order.
Archived orders are hidden from the “Past Order” list by default. To include archived orders, check the “Show Archived” checkbox.
- Search for the ticket. This is done by using the search box at the top of the page. While order numbers are the most obvious thing to search by, the search also supports partial order numbers, customers, products, and ticket notes. If multiple orders are found, they can be cycled through by clicking the “Find” button again.
- Perform an “Advanced Search”. Clicking this link will navigate to a new page providing the following filters to choose from: customer, owner, branch, product, and keyword. After setting the filters according to what is known, clicking “Filter” will provide a list of all past orders that match the set filters. From the list of orders, click on the order number link and the page will change to show the order summary.
The advanced search results may be sorted by selecting an option form the “Sort” dropdown then clicking “Filter.” Available options are: “Order number,” ‘Customer Name,” “Product Name,” “Owner,” or “Created (date).”
Once a past order is found, a summary page for the order is shown. Included in this summary is an overview of the dispensed product as well as a list of any tickets tied to the order. Clicking on the ticket number should open the ticket in a new tab where it can be printed if needed.
Further Reading
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