2886 System will not discharge weigh hoppers

The weigh hoppers used in a 2886 combined weigh hopper system will not discharge after updating Plant Supervisor PSX

Common Causes

  • Updating Plant Supervisor PSX to version 4.22.7 or later
  • SBC-6 running the 2886 application with version 5.3 or earlier
  • SBC-5 running the 2886 application with version 4.7 or earlier

Environment / Applies To

  • Plant Supervisor PSX
  • SBC controller running 2886 firmware

Solution In-Depth

This issue typically occurs after a site has updated their Plant Supervisor PSX from a version prior to 4.22.7 to the latest version.

The symptom of the problem is that when using the combined weigh hoppers (commonly referred to as WH 1+2), the products will be dispensed properly but the system will "hang" and not discharge into the mixer.

To resolve this issue, the firmware on the SBC controller must be updated to at least version 4.8 for SBC-5 controllers or version 5.4 for SBC-6 controllers.



Submit an online web ticket or call us at Kahler Automation 507-235-6648 Option 2 to contact a Kahler Support Technician to update your controller to the correct version.


Tip: The current version of firmware found on the controller can be found by one of these methods:

  1. In Terminal Management TMX, navigate to the Panels page. Select the WH 1+2 panel from the list. The current version will be listed immediately below the connection information, along with the Model stating that it is a 2886ps system.
  2. In Plant Supervisor PSX, open the controller diagnostics for the panel. The version number will be located in the left hand panel. Instructions for opening the controller diagnostics can be found here.
  3. Using a browser to navigate to the controller's web configuratoin page. From a browser, enter the IP address of the controller in the address bar. This should open the controller's configuration page. The version will be listed at the top of the page.  


Tip: If you are unsure if the controller is an SBC-5 or SBC-6, this can be determined by looking at the firmware version running on the controller.

  1. If the version starts with a 4 (i.e. 4.8), then it is an SBC-5 controller
  2. If the version starts with a 5 (i.e. 5.4), then it is an SBC-6 controller