Scale Indicator Data Output (Multiple Scales)

Scale indicator data output format requirements for Kahler Automation controllers that use a single scale indicator to measure weight from two or more scales.

Applies To

  • KA-2000 Running:
    • 2300x8ps
    • 2310ps
    • 2400x16ps
    • 2850ps
    • 2886ps
    • 2888ps


The controllers listed in the Applies To section require a connection to the scale indicator using a RS-232 serial connection with the following configuration:

  • Baud: 19200 baud
  • Data Bits: 8
  • Parity: None
  • Stop Bits: 1

The scale indicator must continuously transmit (i.e., stream) data in the Rice Lake Stream Data Format at least every 100 ms (10 Hz):

<STX> Start of frame ASCII 02 decimal
<SCALE> Scale Scale number followed by a colon (ASCII 58 decimal)
<POL> Polarity

ASCII 32 decimal (Space) = Positive

ASCII 43 decimal (+) = Positive

ASCII 45 decimal (-) = Negative

<wwwwwww> Weight 7 digits, right-justified, dummy zeroes, decimal point with no leading zeroes except for leading zero immediately preceding the decimal point. Leading zeroes transmitted as spaces
<UNIT> Unit

ASCII 76 decimal (L) = Pound

ASCII 75 decimal (K) = Kilogram

ASCII 84 decimal (T) = Ton

ASCII 79 decimal (O) = Ounce

<G> Gross ASCII 71 decimal (G) = Gross Weight
<S> Status

ASCII 32 decimal (Space) = Valid

ASCII 73 decimal (I) = Invalid

ASCII 77 decimal (M) = Motion

ASCII 79 decimal (O) = Overrange

ASCII 90 decimal (Z) = Center of Zero

<TERM> End of frame

ASCII 13 decimal and ASCII 10 decimal


ASCII 13 decimal


<STX>1:      20LG <CR><STX>2:        00LGM<CR>