Maintaining Products in Terminal Management TMX

While creating products in Terminal Management TMX is simplified with the product setup tool, updating details of products is often easier to accomplish by knowing where certain details can be more directly accessed.


Products, Bulk Products, Bulk Product Analysis, and Product Groups

Maintaining Products in TMX_1
Products, Bulk Products, Bulk Product Analysis, and Product Groups can all be accessed under the "Products" section of Terminal Management TMX from the blue bar on the far left.



Maintaining Products in TMX_2
**Most common reasons to visit

  •  Modifying Product Name
  •  Modifying Recipe
  •  Changing Cross Reference Information
  •  Enabling "Do not stack (for weigh-tanks)"

Click "Products" in the menu as shown above to reach the page pictured below. To make changes to the product desired, select the product from the drop down menu at the top; by default it will read "Enter a new product". After selecting the product, the fields on the page will populate with its current information and changes can be made as needed. Once all changes are made, click the "Save" button on the top left to save all changes to the database.

Maintaining Products in TMX_3

Additionally, if an interface is installed, the right hand side of the page will allow configuration of the cross reference for the current product (see example shown below). Select an existing setup for the product or "Add an interface" in order to add a new setup.

A description of all fields used for interface Cross reference setup can be found at Cross Reference Settings Descriptions.

Cross Reference Settings Descriptions_2


Product Recipes

Also on the Product page is the ability to adjust the recipe for the current product. To do this select a facility from the dropdown under "Bulk products" at the bottom of the page.

Maintaining Products in TMX_4

The recipe for the currently selected facility is now available for changing. To add a product to the recipe, select it from the "Bulk product" drop down menu, enter a value for the "Percent of total", and click the "Add" button just to the right. This will add that bulk product to the recipe.

To remove a bulk product, select it from the "Bulk Product" drop down menu, and then click the "Remove" button.

To change the percentage that a bulk product comprises the recipe, select the Bulk Product from the "Bulk Product" drop down menu and change the value in "Percent of total". Once that's done, click the "Update %" button to make the change.

Some functions are available in the "Bulk Product" drop down menu, such as those relating to agitation or recirculation. Some of these may not have a configuration, while others may replace the "Percent of total" with another value, such as "Seconds".

Order of Bulk Products may be modified assuming there are at least two products added. On the far right, arrow(s) will appear next to all products, letting you shift that bulk product up or down the list.


Bulk Products

Maintaining Products in TMX_5
**Most common reasons to visit

  •  Updating Density

Click "Bulk Products" in the menu to manage Bulk Product properties in the system, such as name, default unit and density, EPA number, barcode number, and more.

To modify a Bulk Product, select it from the dropdown at the top, make the changes needed and click the "Save" button at the top left to save the changes. Otherwise a new Bulk Product may be added by selecting "Enter a new bulk product".

Maintaining Products in TMX_6


Bulk Product Analysis

Maintaining Products in TMX_7-1
**Most common reasons to visit

  •  Adding/Updating an Analysis

The Bulk Product Analysis section allows for the recorded analysis information to be updated. If desired, this information can be used on tickets to show the calculated fertilizer value of an order based on the amounts of each bulk product it's comprised of. To add or modify an analysis for a Bulk Product, select the Bulk Product from the drop down list and then fill in any details about the fertilizer value. Click the "Save" button to save changes.


Product Groups

Maintaining Products in TMX_8
**Most common reasons to visit

  •  Implementing additional units of measure on tickets

Product Groups are used to configure additional units of measure on tickets. Each product may be associated with one product group. To add a product group, while the drop down at the top reads "Enter a new product group", fill in a name and click Save. To modify an existing product group's name, select it from the drop down and change the name. Click "Save" to save your changes.

The additional units of measure shown on tickets is configured under "General Settings > Delivery Ticket".



Maintaining Products in TMX_9

Panels, found in the blue bar on the far left of the Terminal Management TMX screen, contains Panel Settings to tie Bulk Products to the physical facility.


Panel Settings

Maintaining Products in TMX_10
**Most common reasons to visit

  •  Adjusting "Follow by (%)", "Rinse Threshold", or "Hold Threshold"
  •  Finding Panel config page (IP)

The Panels page holds the communication details for each panel in a system and a selection of system-wide behavior controls.

Most of this page is set up during site commissioning and any changes should be made carefully. There are some fields that may be tweaked as need arises, however: the "Follow by (%)", "Rinse Threshold", and "Hold Threshold" fields for each panel. (This generally only applies to liquid facilities.)

"Follow by (%)" tells a panel to watch the panel with one rank less and start running when that panel reaches this set % of its part of the order.

"Rinse Threshold" has a panel watch its scale. When, while dispensing, the scale is lowered past the threshold, the rinse function will trigger and continue until empty. This only applies to weigh tanks.

"Hold Threshold", typically set on carrier lines, has a panel watch higher ranked panels. If, when the set amount of material is left on the current panel and the following panels are not finished, the current panel will pause, holding the remaining material until after the other panels finish. This setting is generally used to ensure carrier lines are kept clean of contaminants.


Discharge Locations

Maintaining Products in TMX_11
**Most common reasons to visit

  •  Adjusting Primary/Secondary fill limits
  •  Renaming Discharge locations
  •  Adjusting "Purge time multiplier", or "Anticipation multiplier"

Most of this page is set up during site commissioning and any changes should be made carefully. There are some fields that may be tweaked as need arises however. Discharge Locations is where some facility-level limits and adjustments are made.

Primary and secondary fill limits can be set up for weigh-tanks, mixers, and other equipment as needed. Two fields are provided so that these limits can be set for both weight as well as volume. This ensures that the system never encounters a situation it cannot handle, by dividing the order into smaller batches.

The first fill limit is generally set to a weight unit, often Pounds or Tons, and at ~95% of the max capacity to leave a margin of error and ensure the equipment doesn't become overfilled with product.

The secondary fill limit is generally set to a volume unit, often Gallons or Cubic Feet, again ~95% if the max capacity to leave a margin of error, making sure the equipment is never overfilled with product.

"Purge time multiplier" and "Anticipation multiplier" are used as needed to account for piping requirements that may vary per bay served. Bay one should be set with multiplier "1" and other bays adjusted as needed.

Maintaining Products in TMX_12


Panel Bulk Product Settings

Maintaining Products in TMX_13
**Most common reasons to visit

  •  Adding a new Bulk Product to a panel
  •  Modifying Panel Bulk Product Setting (E.G. Panel function, bumping, flood time, purge time or anticipation)

Maintaining Products in TMX_14

This is most quickly reached by clicking "Panels" in the blue bar on the left hand side of Terminal Management TMX and then the link on the right which reads "Click here for Bulk Product settings". Panel Bulk Product Settings is where a Bulk Product is tied to a particular panel (telling the system it is available there), and where those bulk product specific settings are set.

To add a bulk product to a panel, select the panel in question, the Bulk Product in the drop-down menu shown, and then the "Add" button immediately to the right of the drop-down. That Bulk Product is now tied to the panel.

To manage Bulk Product Panel Settings, select the desired Panel, and then click the Bulk product from the list box. Its settings are now visible on the right half of the screen. Make the changes needed, and remember to click the "Save" button.

Maintaining Products in TMX_15

The details of these Panel Settings can vary depending on the type of facility in question. For liquid facilities, or chem inject systems in dry facilities see this page for an explanation of the panel settings as they apply to Liquid Facilities. Otherwise, for dry systems, see this page for an explanation of the panel settings as they apply to Dry Facilities.

Maintaining Products in TMX_16