Cross Reference Settings Descriptions

Cross Reference Settings are used by an interface in Terminal Management TMX to communicate with an ERP/Agronomy software what products are being ordered.

  • "Cross Reference" -- This value is determined by the associated ERP/agronomy software that the interface connects to and may be called by different terms. Refer to your company's process or contact support if you are uncertain on where to find this information.
  • "Interface exchange unit" -- The unit that the interface communicates in for this product. Not required by all interfaces; refer to company documentation.
  • "Order item unit" -- The unit the operator desires orders to be created in. The system will convert the order for this product into this unit when an order received over the interface and then convert it back when reporting what has been dispensed.
  • "Order item sort priority" -- Determines how products are ordered in an order when it is received over an interface.
    • Smaller values will be listed higher in the order in Terminal Management TMX and thus dispense first in most cases.
    • Larger values will be lower in the order and dispensed after other products.
    • If two or more products have the same priority, their order will default to their relative order in the file that was processed by the interface.
    • Numbers may be as large or small as desired.
      • Recommendation is to leave room between numbers used (e.g. 50, 100, 200, 300 vs 99,100,101) so that other products may be easily slotted in later.
  • "Export Only" -- If checked, this cross reference will not be used for inbound interface lookups.
  • "Default setting" -- This check box is rarely used, only applicable to orders manually modified or created being exported on an interface. In this case, the Cross Reference with this enabled will be used when reporting the order/ticket back on the interface.

Seen here is the Cross Reference entry form used in the Interface step of the Product Setup tool. Some fields may not be shown for certain interfaces.

Cross Reference Settings Descriptions_1

The Add button in the lower right will confirm the information entered.

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The interface config used in the "Products" set up page.

Each interface is a bit different and the information here should be regarded as a general guide. If you have questions about your specific setup call Kahler Automation support or refer to your company policies.

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