Orders which have been loaded or completed are not allowing me to mark them as complete.
Last updated: 5/25/2021
- Windows updates forced computer shutdown while an order was in the process of loading.
- In Plant Supervisor, a completed order is 'stuck' and will not allow me to mark it as complete in Terminal Management.
- After computer restart, in TMX, find the order(s) are listed as 100% complete, yet there is red text in the 'General' heading area which reads 'order in progress" and the option to "Mark as complete" is greyed out. Orders have been re-created as point of sale.
- Something caused by an interruption in communication between Plant Supervisor and Terminal Management.
Terminal Management 2
Terminal Management TMX (TMX)
Plant Supervisor 4
Plant Supervisor PSX (PSX)
- Launch PSX (or close and relaunch)
- It should offer a prompt asking what the user would like to do with the completed orders. Select the option to complete each order. This action should clear the orders out of TMX.
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